Sunday, February 17, 2013

Quick responses to a new Facebook meme | Eternity Matters

I saw this on Facebook and thought I?d share some quick responses to it. It is a train wreck of bad reasoning made worse because they are trying to use religious arguments.

This fails on so many levels. The first about Jesus ignores that He is God and is in agreement with 100% of scripture. As noted in What Jesus didn?t say ? Arguing from silence is a logical fallacy, Jesus is God and part of the Trinity that inspired all scripture, He supported the Old Testament law to the last letter, the ?red letters? weren?t silent on these topics in the sense that they reiterated what marriage and murder were, He emphasized many other important issues that these liberal theologians completely ignore (Hell, his divinity, his exclusivity, etc.), He was equally ?silent? on issues that these folks treat as having the utmost importance (capital punishment, war, welfare, universal health care, etc.), He didn?t specifically mention child abuse and other obvious sins though that wouldn?t justify them, and abortion and homosexual behavior simply weren?t hot topics for 1st century Jews. And Jesus never said anything about the ?sin? of criticizing homosexual behavior, so it must be OK!

The NT part is wrong as well. Romans 1 could not be more clear: It references lesbian and gay relationships that were not associated with prostitution or pederasty. Being ?committed? to a sinful relationship doesn?t sanitize it.

You don?t even need the Bible to refute this case. For the government to get involved in relationships there has to be an important reason. They have been involved in real marriages because by nature and design children are created by those units and they are the only relationships that can provide a mother and a father to children. Countless studies show this as the ideal, so the government has good reasons to encourage their stability.

Please note that I didn?t say that they must produce children, only that children are always produced by one man and one woman. And again, only those relationships can provide a mother and a father.

The Bible does show that God?s ideal for marriage is one man and one woman, and Jesus reiterated that.

The world is not over-populated, and even if it was that has nothing to do with the morality of homosexual behavior.

The shrimp / shellfish argument is full of holes but is appealing to many because so few bother to study the passages. I address five serious problems with it in flaws of the shellfish argument.

And gay sex is ?icky.? We should not be afraid to use that argument. The rate HIV and Syphilis is over 40 times higher for gay men. If it wasn?t politically incorrect to criticize the behavior you?d hear those stats all the time. And the rectum is still not a sex organ. There is a reason people spend so much on toilet paper. Most people like to avoid getting feces on themselves.

Don?t miss the section where they tell you that if you disagree with them that you are judgmental, and judging is bad! Except when they do it! Hypocrites.

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